25 Apr. | Posted by Andrea Zachrau | no comments |
Andrea has been a source of inspiration, guidance and friendship
Tony O Connor, Artist, Ireland
„I first saw Andrea’s work online in 2016 & was absolutely blown away by her skill in capturing light & movement in her work. I contacted her to see if she would allow me to use her images as reference in some paintings & she very kindly allowed me work with some. One horse in particular bonded us & I feel resurrected my career when I was at a particularly low point in my artistic career. Since then, Andrea has been a source of inspiration, guidance & friendship. Having visited her twice, I have witnessed first hand the professionalism of her photoshoots and the actual amount of work behind the scenes (ably assisted by Seb) and even got to taste some vegan home cooking. I’m looking forward to working alongside one of Germany’s top photographers again in the near future.“
Our collaborations have created some of my best work
Helen Coulter, Artist, Australia „Back in 2016 something wonderful happened to me. I was scrolling around on Facebook, looking for some inspiration, something to help me move my art along, something to help me be braver and try new things. I don’t know how, but the universe showed me a photo that took my breath away, it was a golden buckskin horse with golden powder coming off him, he looked like he was disintegrating! For me it was one of the greatest pieces of photographic art I had ever seen. I started following Andrea from that day, she pushes the boundaries of photography with her creative thought processes, artistic use of light, holi powders, projectors, amazing backdrops, colours, and settings. This elevates her photography to a pure art form. I am totally inspired by her! Due to her incredible generosity I have now created 11 artworks, based around her photos. Our collaborations have produced some of my best work. I look forward to working well into the future with her and can’t wait to see what new artistic angles she will find next.“
Weitere Infos zu meinen künstlerischen Zusammenarbeiten findet Ihr hier: Meine Bilder in der Kunst